
From Iğdır University:



Purpose, Scope, Basis and Definitions


ARTICLE 1 – (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the procedures and principles regarding the purposes, fields of activity, management bodies, duties of management bodies and working method of Iğdır University Biodiversity Application and Research Center.


ARTICLE 2 – (1) This Regulation covers the provisions regarding the purposes, fields of activity, management bodies, duties of management bodies and working method of Iğdır University Biodiversity Application and Research Center.


ARTICLE 3 – (1) This Regulation; Prepared based on subparagraph (2) of paragraph (d) of the first paragraph of Article 7 of the Law on Higher Education No. 2547 dated 11/4/1981 and Article 14.


ARTICLE 4 – (1) In this Regulation;

a) Center: Iğdır University Biodiversity Application and Research Center,

b) Director: Director of the Center,

c) Rector: Iğdır University Rector,

ç) University: Iğdır University,

d) Board of Directors: Board of Directors of the Center,



Purpose and Fields of Activity of the Center

Purpose of the Center

ARTICLE 5 – (1) The purpose of the Center is to determine, protect and utilize the natural biodiversity resources of Iğdır and its surroundings in particular and Turkey in general in the most efficient and sustainable way; to conduct research, development and application activities to spread awareness of biological wealth, natural environment and natural resources in different segments of society; to establish herbariums, insectaria, museums, arboretums, gene banks and similar institutions containing Turkey's biological wealth in accordance with the relevant legislation and to cooperate with national and international institutions and organizations.

Fields of activity of the Center

ARTICLE 6 – (1) The fields of activity of the Center are as follows:

a) To conduct research projects aimed at revealing the biological diversity potential of Iğdır and its surroundings and Turkey, to encourage and guide the relevant authorities on the subject, to contribute to the development of Turkey's biological wealth databases with the local databases to be created.

b) To increase cooperation between public institutions, non-governmental organizations and the University on biodiversity in order to eliminate the lack of education on biodiversity and to update the information.

c) To work on people’s recognition and protection of biological richness in Türkiye.

ç) To monitor developments on biodiversity abroad and in the country, to convey these developments and to prepare publications on these subjects, to conduct research, to organize national and international panels, congresses, conferences and similar meetings.

d) To provide audio-visual documents on biological richness and to ensure that University academic staff, students and the public benefit from these resources.

e) To provide material for biotechnological studies and to work with national and international organizations to evaluate naturally developing living species as genetic resources in biotechnological studies.

f) To conduct scientifically based research and develop techniques in cooperation with relevant institutions and organizations in order to contribute to the development of regional ecotourism.

g) To raise public awareness on biosmuggling and to provide training on this subject.

ğ) To provide nature education to primary and secondary school students, university students and adults by organizing camps.

h) To guide foreign researchers in our country to conduct biological research, to ensure the control of the work and material use (plant, insect, reptile and similar living material), to conduct joint studies with relevant public institutions and organizations on this subject.

ı) To conduct other studies in accordance with the purpose of establishing the Center and the purposes and principles specified in the Higher Education Law.



​Management Bodies and Duties of the Center

Management Bodies of the Center

ARTICLE 7 – (1) The management bodies of the Center are as follows:

a) Director.

b) Board of Directors.


ARTICLE 8 – (1) The Director is assigned by the Rector for a minimum of three years from among the University faculty members related to the work areas of the Center. The Director whose term of office has expired may be reassigned.

(2) In cases where the Director cannot be on duty continuously for more than six months, a new Director is assigned by the Rector. The Director is responsible to the Rector for all activities of the Center.

(3) Upon the recommendation of the Director, one of the full-time academic staff of the University is assigned as the Deputy Director by the Rector. In cases where the Director is not on duty, the Deputy Director acts as the Deputy Director. When the Director's term of office ends, the duty of the Deputy Director also ends.

Duties of the Director

ARTICLE 9 – (1) The duties of the Director are as follows:

a) To manage and represent the Center in line with its fields of activity.

b) To determine the agenda of the Board of Directors, to call for ordinary or extraordinary meetings and to preside over them.

c) To implement the decisions of the Board of Directors.

ç) To prepare the annual work program regarding the activities of the Center, to submit it to the Board of Directors and to the approval of the Rector in the form accepted.

d) To prepare the activity report of the Center for the previous year at the end of the academic year, to submit it to the Board of Directors and to the approval of the Rector in the form accepted.

Board of Directors

ARTICLE 10 – (1) The Board of Directors consists of a total of seven people, including the Director as the chairman, the deputy director and five members assigned by the Rector for three years upon the recommendation of the Director from among the University academic staff related to the field of work of the Center.

(2) The term of office of the Board of Directors members is three years. A member whose term has expired may be reassigned. A new member is assigned to complete the remaining term of office in place of a Board of Directors member who leaves office for any reason.

(3) The Board of Directors shall meet at least four times a year under the chairmanship of the Director upon the call of the Director. The Board of Directors shall meet with a simple majority and make decisions by the majority vote of the meeting participants. In the event of a tie, the majority shall be deemed to be in favor of the Director's vote.

Duties of the Board of Directors

ARTICLE 11 – (1) The duties of the Board of Directors are as follows:

a) To supervise the implementation of all kinds of projects affiliated with the Center, to review and approve their progress and final reports.

b) To make decisions regarding the Center's administrative and technical staff needs upon the Director's proposal and to submit them to the Rector for approval.

c) To decide on the establishment of units within the Center, to assign the heads of these units and to review and approve the working principles of the units.

ç) To decide on matters related to the management of the Center's general activities.



Miscellaneous and Final Provisions

Personnel needs

ARTICLE 12 – (1) The academic, technical and administrative personnel needs of the Center are met by the personnel assigned by the Rector in accordance with Article 13 of Law No. 2547.

Spending authority

ARTICLE 13 – (1) The spending authority of the Center is the Rector. The Rector may delegate this authority to one of the vice rectors or the Director.

Entry into force

ARTICLE 14 – (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on the date of its publication.


ARTICLE 15 – (1) The provisions of this Regulation shall be executed by the Rector of Iğdır University.